Wednesday 22 May 2019

Sonic – bad advertisement is still advertisement

So the main CGI character in the upcoming Sonic movie is going to be remade. I guess that’s good because...well... I don’t know what happened but the creative department surly dropped the ball on this one. Sonic looks pretty horrifying.

Paddington (2014) – when his first poster was released the internet mocked his placement and dead-eyed stare.
But one thing everybody at least agreed upon was that the character actually did look right.

But now the question. We are currently living in the end-days of the ‘old internet’. Meaning; when the internet first started we questioned everything we saw online. Then there was a period in which we accepted everything as gospel online and now we are back again at questioning (fake news), Full circle.

So, of course, there is a pretty solid theory that the moviemakers purposely released a terrible looking Sonic to the public to get some awareness for the movie. Bad publicity is also publicity; moreover it often spreads like a wildfire. And if you, then, play the humility card right and let ‘fans’ have their way you might actually have the perfect movie-marketing-combination in hands: worldwide publicity + audience’ goodwill = success.

As everything on the internet one can never be sure if this ‘theory’ is accurate. But, true or not, I can tell you that this is quite the clever way of tackling advertisements in the crowded cinematic landscape of the later ‘10s.

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