Friday 31 January 2020

Fairytales a reality?

This isn´t going to be an Anti-Trump article.

I always try to stay as politics free on this blog as possible.

Even though I sometimes can’t help myself. I just can’t lie, I don’t like the man.

However, this article does concern the current American President Donald J. Trump in relation with current developments in new-media.

The point I’m making is this: Deep fakes have evolved. Nowadays we have 3D technology, Deep fake technology and voice technology. Basically I could (from my home computer) create a video of a person saying and doing whatever I want.

What I’m saying here is that I expect that this year (2020) a doctored video will come out of President Trump doing some dastardly thing.

As always Deep fakes started in porn. Every technological or cultural ‘step forwards’ throughout history has had one thing in common: People began experimenting with it with the 'Oom Pah Pah'-angle in mind. Be it paintings, sculptures, songs, books from the printing press, photographs, cinema or even videotapes. Heck, even the discovery of electricity soon had people trying out this new ‘power’ as a means of sexual exploration.

The point I’m making, however, is that the ‘porn angle’ of Deep fakes should be understood as a ‘sign’. If people use it for porn and sex it’s probably something that’ll make an impact somewhere else down the line.

Just remember, as popular belief likes us to think: The printing press caused the Reformation!

Now the point with Deep fakes is that you have to use your common sense.
If you see actor Nicolas Cage’s face on a baby common sense dictates that that isn’t possible.

President Trump, however, is famous for three things. (1) He is utterly unpredictable. You never know what he is going to do. Everything is possible. (2) He lies all the time even though there are irrefutable facts telling differently. And (3) every news-item he doesn’t like is ‘fake news’.

Basically, I think, this year the story of the boy who cried wolf is going to become a reality. And the American President will find himself in his very own dark (Disney) fairytale.

President Donald J. Trump is going to be confronted with a fake (Deep fake) video of him doing some dastardly thing. He will state that it is ‘fake news’ (nobody will believe him). He will lie to make things even more convoluted (nobody will believe him). He will do something unpredictable to take the spotlight away (which will make people believe the video even more).

Is this going to hurt the President’s re-election? No, not at all. His voters are committed. They’d vote for him no matter what.

But just think about the possible scenarios required for a video that would cause his voters NOT to vote for him. Trust me when I tell you that those scenarios quickly become hilarious (and highly insane).
Just imagine the worst video you can possible imagine (it’s a party game) that might make a little old lady in Pasadena say: “Maybe, I won’t vote for him this time around.”

That’s going to be the fun part about the 2020 elections. I think ´fake news´ is actually going to bite the POTUS in the behind.

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