Thursday 7 April 2016

Jesus Christ Superstar versus The omen.

Okay this one is not safe for the weak hearted (it features a decapitation and a crucifixion).

Jesus Christ Superstat (1973)
The omen (1976)

Last Easter (naturally) I was watching Jesus Christ Superstar (1973). And I noticed a shot that looked a heck of a lot like one used in The Omen (1976).
Maybe I'm reading too much into this comparison. But I do like the possible parody aspect that the usage of repeat shots used for the crucifixion of the son of God was later repeated in a movie about the son of Satan.

*Now the original explanation of the decapitation scene was that people in the audience tend to look away for two/three seconds before turning their eyes back to the screen. So the trick was that by prolonging the decapitation/ showing it from different angles, the scene could still get a fright out of those people who originally looked away.

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