Monday 15 January 2018

Black mirror timeline

As a little joke I decided to include this little timeline here. As it turns out the creators of this show love to reference other episodes. For instance the song 'Anyone who knows what love is (will understand)' or the private life of Prime-minister Michael Callow pop up all the time.
So me, being me, decided to put the events in order.

A fun thing that this little infograph of mine shows is the holes. For instance how, in the world, did the world change from a working capitalist society as depicted in The national anthem to a (basically) slave economy in Fifteen million merits? There are obvious blank spaces which I hope the show makers will fill. But, then again, I’ll let them do whatever they want. It’s brilliant anyway.

The way I tackled this timeline is twofold: on a practical side I simply started with collecting some of the easter eggs lists on the internet. So the references one episode makes to episodes previous. Then I accepted the idea of hypes and experiments. As the Rollo character explains in Black museum: laws are changed constantly. So something that might be legal and widely used one moment might be abolished the next year.

The full size image is here. 

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