Monday 15 January 2018

Strange movie deaths quiz 4

Shall we play a game? 

One of the perks of watching a lot of movies is that you see screenwriters getting more and more creative as time goes on. Writers always try to come up with something that hasn’t been attempted/done before. And nowhere has this been more apparent than in the morbid niche of movie storytelling that is: the death scene.

I must have seen thousands of people meet their maker on the silver screen during my short life on this earth. Explosions, gunshots, you name it. But there are far more creative ways to kill a human –as movies tell us.

So here I wish to have a little (morbid) quiz. I state ten causes of death and in the spoiler tag below it is the movie it came from. See how many you get.

Theme: Deadly jewellery.
"That necklace loses marvelous on you!" the hangman said to the convict. This time around I’m looking for things people wear; jewellery mostly. I’ll be specific when I have to be.

1. Death by explosive necklace.


2. Death by magnetic collars and a sharp discus.

Wild Wild West (I still like this movie- don’t know why really)

3. Death by whip necklace.

Teen agent.

4. Death by poison in ring.

The iron mask (difficult to actually find this trope in cinema – I know it featured in an Asterix comic).

5. Death by bracelet.


6. (Almost death by) cursed necklace.

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood prince.

7. (Almost death by) cursed bracelet.

The Mummy returns.

8. Death by necktie.


9. Death by pearl necklace.

Deep red.

10. (Almost death by) Chinese finger trap.

The Addam's family.

No Final Destination-death in this one for a change.

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