Wednesday, 10 August 2016

Stranger Things: map of Hawkins 1.8

UPDATE: MAP 2.0 is here. 

I was feeling creative once again.

I love fantasy maps. The real ones are interesting as well, don't get me wrong. It's just that; -let me explain it like this: those old medieval maps had a certain charm because the monsters scribbled in the corners were considered real.

Anyway, I enjoy making my own maps from time to time, just as a hobby and then I watched Stranger Things.

This TV shows mentions fictional roads throughout: "Meet me at Elms". "Go to Maple and Dearheart", et cetera. The show actually shows a map of Hawkings halfway through. So I had a basic outline and a few street names. Time for me to get puzzling.

Naturally this map of mine is terribly incomplete and probable wrong at several places so consider this both a bit of fan-art and a work in progress. In the next version I’ll probably work on inserting sidewalks, smaller houses and more location-names. Anyway, it’s a fun little project.

The full version is HERE. 

Full disclosure demands me to say that I borrowed the whole design and concept basics from the famous Silent Hill-map by Damian Christensen (just google “Silent Hill-map”).

Update 1.8.

Okay so here is my second version of the Hawkins map. As I promised myself I added sidewalks. I put in smaller houses. And I added an odd street here and there. But I also took a moment to get my facts straight.

A fan art map is great and all. But wouldn't I be better if it was actually accurate? So I returned to my notes and -surprise surprise- I noticed that I was pretty much wrong about every little thing. In short, I had to do a complete overhaul of my original map.

This time I made sure that every little fact seen on screen is accurate. Naturally I still can't be sure about everything. Of course not.
-And I’m not using the original map of the town where the show was filmed (Jackson, Butts county) because that would be cheating.-
But every little detail that I noticed I've put in here and I can back them all up with arguments.

Talking about details - the moment Eleven enters the Big Buy store there's a 'missing' poster of Will Byers in the top-right corner of the screen. Did you notice that?

Naturally there are still some issues left. For instance: why Barbara would stop her car three blocks from Steve’s house if –according to my findings- Nancy and Steve actually live quite close to each other.

Or, if Will lives in the south-east corner of the map – how can one scene show him cycling past the laboratory-fence from the right side of the screen to the left. That would place the lab in the east. But then, why is his bike found all the way to the west?
There’s probably a lot of ‘artistic freedom’ at work and that’s fine. That’s part of the fun.

The full version is HERE.

UPDATE: MAP 2.0 is here.


Robin said...


Awesome work! Would you mind if I put this up on the Stranger Things wiki?

Jan said...

No problem. Go ahead.

Unknown said...

Great, thanks!

Anonymous said...

This is awesome, thanks! Any idea where Lucas and Duston live on this map?

Jan said...

According to my notes. In the first episode Lucas takes the first (his) right. Will and Dustin cycle on (making that bet about a comic). Dustin then reaches his house -which is on that street- while Will cycles on towards Mirkwood.

In a later episode it is shown that Lucas lives (I think) at the end of a road. So that’s why I made that little ‘dead end’ road between Elm and Cornwallis.

Now there is a bit of a problem when Lucas tells Mike, Dustin and Eleven that the “Bad men are coming” and that they should all meet at the corner of Cherry and Elm. Because if Lucas just came from the laboratory why would he ride his bike all the way to Cherry if he could just as easily have taken a right to Mike’s house.

So maybe there are some mistakes in my map. Maybe there is some ‘artistic freedom’ in the show.

Anyway if I had to guess I would say that Lucas lives in that dead end street between Elm and Cornwallis and Dustin lives at the corner of Cornwallis and Kerley (on the right).

Liv said...

Awesome map! Would you mind if I use your map as reference (location of some character's houses, street..etc) to make an illustrated Stranger Things map?

Jan said...

Go right ahead. I am working on a new version though (which includes season 2) and by the looks of it locations are going to change around a bit.

Liv Wan said...

I just saw your comment and thank you so much for letting me use your map as reference to create a map illustration of Hawkins! ( ) I also saw your updated version of map but I've already completed my map illustration. :D Maybe I will create an update version of map illustration as well. ;)

Jan said...

@Liv Wan - Wow, I'm impressed beautiful map. Brilliant.

Unknown said...

Is there a season 2 map?

Jan said...


Check the update link to 2.0