Monday 19 March 2018

Movies as rollercoaster (part 2)

A year ago I had some fun with a little project of mine concerning movies as rollercoaster (link). And to tell you the truth: I really enjoyed the project; just me having some silly fun.
So, as I´ve promised myself in another post (which has the parts: link) here are three new ´movies as roller coasters´.

I'll repeat the rules here:

The straight track: Nothing really happens. It’s exposition – meeting characters.

The low rise: Tension is build upon but it doesn’t require a ‘pay-off’.

The low rise and drop: Something is bound to happen (tension).
It happens! And then things go back to
normal – the ‘boo’-moment.

The high rise: Something very important is going to
happen (tension builds).

The high rise and drop: Something very important is
going to happen – and then it happens.

The sudden drop: Something unexpected happens.

The sudden drop and rise: Something (unexpected) happens
 that causes the story to take on tension.

The rise and straight drop: The hero knows what is about
to happen. He prepares himself to face the consequences.

The tunnel: The storylines that need to be discarded/ are
shrouded in mystery (before the climax).

The looping: The lesser version of ‘the twist’: the world is
put upside down.

The double looping:  The world is put upside down
–and just when you think you got away with it it bites
you in the buttocks.

The twist/corkscrew: Everything you learned in the movie so
far is turned on its head.

The turn: A change in the story.

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