Friday 13 May 2016

200+ phone tropes in popular media.

I came up with this idea when I watched Halle Berry's the call. This movie has a great premise, is quite thrilling and even rather intelligent. But be wary of the last act. I don't know what happened but somebody copy-pasted the wrong text. I sure hope that there's an alternative ending on a dvd somewhere. There has to be..

Anyway I started to think about the way phones are used in movies. In Dial M for murder, for instance, the whole plot hinges on the fact that the would-be-killer-by-proxy knows where the phone is. Nowadays the plan wouldn't work because everybody is mobile.

So I started thinking some more and before I knew it I was mapping the best known movie tropes concerning telephones into a nifty infographic.

As everything with me this started as a small project and quickly turned massive (probably more than I could chew). But I had fun making it.
So here it is: every usage of phones in movies from the start to the now. Enjoy.

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