Monday 22 October 2018

Strange movie names quiz 1.

Movies come and go and so do the names of characters. However, sometimes a name sticks: Rollo Tomassi, Keyser Soze and Henry –Indiana- Jones Jr.  We’ve heard those names before and we know where they are from.

So why not make a small quiz out of it? A few names all bound together in a given theme and it’s up to you to guess the corresponding movie. See how many you get.

Theme: (Fictional) Demons 
Naming something gives you power over it. That’s been the case since the moment of your birth. In demonology it has an even bigger importance. Knowing the name of a demon allows you to cast the creature back to the flaming pit of hell it crawled from.

Horror movies are very happy with this concept. Quite often, discovering the name of the demon is an important plot point. So of the names given below, in which movie did they torment our heroes? 

1. Abalam

The last exorcism.

2. Abizo the Dybbuk

The posession.

3. Azazel


4. Baal

The rite.

5. Bughuul/Baghul


6. Calcifer

Howl's Moving Castle.

7. Mephistopheles


8. Paimon


9. Pazuzu

The Exorcist.

10. Sammael


11. The lipstick faced demon


12. Valak

The conjuring 2.

13. Zuul


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