Monday 22 October 2018

What to do with Mission Impossible after Tom Cruise?

If Tom Cruise finally decides to stop playing Ethan Hunt in the Mission Impossible movies? What then? I think the franchise after Hunt could change a few things for the better. Here are some suggestions/critiques.

Less drama
The Tom Cruise Mission Impossible movies are awesome with Tom Cruise in them. They aren't, however, very good at drama. One can easily skip each and every moment of sorrow with Hunt's wife or the various heartaches peppered throughout the tale. They don't work. There's a madman on the loose intent on destroying the world - does Hunt really need an emotional reason as well?

Less hero-worship
The second big problem with the Mission Impossible movies is the hero-worship of the Ethan Hunt-character. Mission Impossible is the 21-century version of Sherlock Holmes: One hero and everybody around him being in awe.

And Watson 'ejaculating' as the joke goes.

Now, to be honest, Tom Cruise gets away with it.
But should he ever retire the character I think the Mission Impossible franchise should alter its direction a bit.
I always enjoyed Mission Impossible as the American counterbalance to the utterly British James Bond movies. The conspiracies, the constantly changing superiors, the military force and of course, (especially in the TV-show) the fact that the 'crime of the week' was solved by the team. Not just one person but an entire team.
So, should Tom Cruise ever retire. The team should take centre stage more. Each and every member doing an insane action stunt every once in a while.

Emphasize the elements
James Bond has the 'barrel walk' - Mission Impossible has the 'lit fuse'.
James Bond has M - Mission Impossible has the tape that will self-destruct.
Keep these elements! This is something Mission Impossible: fallout did right. But these elements should return each and every movie to stick it all together as a series.
The Mission Impossible movies have been a bit lacking in doing this. With the series taking three distinct cinematic styles in the first three movies and still (we're at part six now) not really finding its footing. So, perhaps, should Cruise hang up his 'Hunt Cape' an opening format could be developed that is the same for every movie.

Per example: The German crime-show Tatort still has the same opening from the seventies.

What to do with Tom Cruise himself?
In the first Mission Impossible it was the hero of the TV-show that turned out the be the villain. I argue that it would be nice for Cruise to go down the same route in his last outing.
But, I am actually rather certain that he won't/couldn’t do that. So, instead, Tom Cruise should take on the M part of the Mission Impossible universe. The director, the voice on the tape. Not just for one movie but for all eternity.

Anyway, these were some thoughts on the Mission Impossible movies. Just format it a bit more, let the team work more and cut down on the unnecessary drama. The stunts they can keep. Though I seriously doubt anybody other than The Cruise would be crazy enough to do them.

I always enjoyed the quote: This is not mission difficult, Mr. Hunt, it's mission impossible. Difficult should be a walk in the park for you. These kinds of cheesy one-liners should be used more often.

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