Tuesday 20 November 2018

People I ‘dislike’ on the internet.

I’m quite aware of the term ‘dislike’ that I’m using here in contrast to, let’s say: ‘hate’.
There are all kinds of strange people online from trolls to political correctness advocates and grammar Nazis to actual Nazis.
These are the people I hate, I don't 'dislike' them, I hate them! 'Dislike' is the kinder word. The one you use for discribing your aunt that keeps on about her troubled hip-replacement.

So, in this little fun article I wish to focus on those nice, friendly, people that do little things online that rub me the wrong way. I don’t hate them, not by a long shot, but wouldn’t it be nice if they stopped doing:

1.    Welcome to the forum. I SAID WELCOME TO THE FORUM!!!!!
There is a group of people who cannot help themselves to welcome every new member to a forum. 99% of their comments is something with the word: welcome in it. It’s a bit creepy.
You feel like '1984-before google'. Like that annoying neighbour that comes to call because your car hasn't moved in two days.

2.    The RIP-thread.
Yes the internet is a good place to talk and grieve over deceased people. Even the demise of famous people can hurt sometimes (Aaliyah for instance). Cracked has a yearly list of ‘lesser-known-but: important people’ who passed away just to prove this point.

But above all; it works! Talking about what hurts you even with an anonymous person somewhere on this planet is cathartic.

I, sure as hellfire, remember being rather struck by the death of Alan Rickman.

But there’s a difference between talking about a deceased and just having a thread going: ‘person A just passed away’ and the rest is just people posting ‘R.I.P.’ until the next death is announced.
There’s no care, no importance, it’s just people upping their post-count. Which is why the RIP-threads  are rather creepy.

3.    Partial administrators.
I'm not a big fan of our current American President. For the last year-and-a-half, or so I've been holding myself back posting any kind of insulting thing against him.
However, as I am holding back I am confronted on several forums by forum-administrators who block or deny anybody cracking a joke at the current American president (which is easy, I must admit).
Per example, there is one forum in which the administrator goes all out posting pictures of the president getting a backrub from Jesus (because, apparently, that's the son of God's job - I guess) whilst banning anybody stating a diffent opinion.
If you are the administrator of a forum you have to accept that there are people going to state things that you will/do not like. Accept it and move on. Don't abuse your 'digital' power.

4.    'Being in the know' knowledge posters - or, spoiler forgetters.
I'm not talking about trolls here who like nothing better than to spoil a person's moviegoing experience. What I am talking about are those people on forums who, in their exitement, post topics like: 'JON SNOW DIED!!!!!' or 'MASOSAUR EATS THE INSIDIOUS!!!!!'. Thus spoiling everything for the people who haven't seen the movie yet.
I know you are exited but please be kind and let the rest of the world catch up (especially if a movie has a 'strange' global release).

Spoiling the end to Jurassic World is allowed by now. Spoiling the Sixth Sense is still a no-no (until 2087).

That's what I'd tried to do with this article to highlight how segmented the internet is nowadays. How easily people are coerced to post something 'here' or 'there' without meaning. Moreover, that people pick their forum that is alligned to their mindset and don't wander off into the darkness of debate anymore. Because, if they do, they will suffer riddicule and banishment.

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