Monday 4 September 2017

Even more thoughts about the It remake

The final one before the movie is released.

Spoilers obviously: now more than ever!

And here we are again. I forgot all about San Diego comic con. Of course Pennywise and Georgie were going to make an appearance there. At least – from the early stories we got from scenes shown there Bill does have a stutter. The blood and gore are upped. And there is the obvious Bev versus boys bit that’s going to be used to cement the losers club as a whole.

What else did I learn before Comic Con?

It appears that Bev is going to be a sex abuse victim after all. I said before that I preferred her to be 'merely' a violence abuse victim because that worked rather well in the original mini-series. But the movie is going to take on the original story of Beverly - a brave choice. I wonder how it's going to pan out in character (development).

Sexual abuse of children in movies don't always create the desired result because the public automatically hates a pederast. In contrast - the drunk father who 'only' beats his children still has a chance for redemption (Hacksaw Ridge for instance).

Second, including a predator in the mix often creates an automatic 'kill this one first villain' that pushes the big villain to the background.

A quick example from the top of my mind is Gothica. The minute I learned that the murder victim was a creep I stopped caring for the question of ‘who killed him’ or ‘why’. I was glad he was dead – which in turn caused me to stop looking for clues which would lead to his accomplice.

The sequel has been confirmed
The sequel has already been confirmed. And early reviews are extremely positive (but then again; they usually are). 

In fact, Stephen King himself okayed the movie - great! But…this is also the guy who hates Kubrick's take on The Shining (and loves the mini-series) and brought us Maximum overdrive. I like the man but I worry about his movie taste.

The promotional department is doing great; except for the posters.

Let’s get the bad out of the way first: the posters. 'Till now are a bit of a miss.
The first poster was good enough but would have been far better if it only showed Georgie's back instead of the creepy arm and balloon.

The second poster, then, is a bit of a Photoshop monstrosity - what are they looking at? Bill is looking ahead, Mike is looking to the right, Bev is looking to the left (but not looking at Mike). It's all over the place!

Usually if a poster wants to create a sense of danger lurking it has the characters looking left-centre and right-centre. But here the line of sight is all over the place –which, in turn, causes Stanley to feature more prominently because he looks directly at the viewer (breaking the fourth wall). I'm really starting to think he's going to be the third lead next to Bill and Bev (which makes me fear for Richie’s life -Remember that one of the first promotional bits released was a missing poster for Richie, he could very well not make it to the end of the movie.).

Talking of Stanley the photo shopper had some real issues with cutting his (and Bev's) curly hair out.

This poster would have been better with (A) corresponding lines of sight. or (B) merely Pennywise in the distance in the fog.

I´m currently waiting for the final poster. Just a simple paper-boat in a drain-stream. With the big bloody letters ´IT´ written above it. But I assume this isn´t going to happen. Nor are the character posters.

One thing the promotional department did very well though is the usage of good worth of mouth. In all simplicity the best thing to market is an actually good movie.

Whereas last year’s Ghostbuster trailer destroyed every single plus the (enjoyable but no masterpiece) movie had. The IT-movie uses the positive air to feed the audience just enough information to keep interest high.

Maybe, one could argue, a bit too much information at times. But then again: the people are psyched for this movie so they’ll collect and share every little tidbit of news. Like I’m doing right now – part 4 already (and I still have to write the review).

I usually don’t really care for those promotional interviews. They are basically sale-pitches. But the ones of IT are fun because each and every interviewer happily shares his/her fear of clowns. Which is fun – you are not alone.

The behind-the-scenes-footage (or B-roll) then is basically all the stuff you’ve seen in the trailer. But, with three exception: First, Patrick Hockstetter is looking wonderfully insane with his makeshift flamethrower. Second, Richie’s fear is clowns. Which makes the character and ideal candidate for IT’s favorite form. And third we see Pennywise laughing his crooked behind off while devouring a child (that looks like somebody we know).
Also this ‘ devouring scene’ happens before Mike’s encounter with the Hand’s door. So the door opens, something with IT happens –which includes the devouring- the door closes and Mike is terrified.

The rest is nothing new really. But it’s nice to see how the movie is being shot. And you start lip-reading whenever a sound is muted out.

Pictures: or deducting the structure of a movie.

Most of the new stuff comes from the pictures released in glorious HD. That way you can zoom your way into each and every pixel.
This is a fun way to check out the details in set design. For instance, Beverly is shown (with long hair) writing on a bathroom stall wall which includes messages like: ‘Hate clowns’, ‘Gretta Keene is a b*tch’ and ‘What’s that smell’. Or, another one with the boys sitting by a graffiti covered wall which features a very recognizable clown.

But promotional pictures also gives a massive insight in the order of the movie.

In three photos Bill is wearing the same ‘Tracking bros trucking’-T-shirt.

This is the scene in the second trailer when they discover the shoe in the sewer. So Beverly still has long hair at that point in the movie and Eddie’s arm isn’t broken yet.

In three other photos Bill is wearing a checked shirt. Including the scene when Eddie gets his arm broken. So Eddie’s ordeal happens in the house on 29 Neibolt Street.
Beverly’s hair is short here.

Also Richie wears the same shirt in the house as in the ‘clown-room’. So the ‘clown-room’ is at this very address.

So the order is: Truck-shirt first, checked shirt later, white shirt: finale

Then there’s the soundtrack to consider. Usually the track-list is the best way to see the chronology of the movie.
BTW I love the poster on the vinyl cover.

So this soundtrack has the paper boat right at the beginning -as it should be. Then, number 12 is called: haircut. So that's before the house but after the sewer discovery. And so on and so on. Soundtrack are a fun way to see the structure of a movie.

1. Every 27 Years
2. Paper Boat
3. Georgie, Meet Pennywise
4. Derry
5. River Chase
6. Egg Boy
7. Beverly
8. Come Join The Clown, Eds
9. You’ll Float Too
10. Shape Shifter
11. Hockstetter Attack
12. Haircut
13. Derry History
14. January Embers
15. Saving Mike
16. This Is Not A Dream
17. Slideshow
18. Georgie’s Theme
19. He Didn’t Stutter Once
20. 29 Neibolt Street
21. Time To Float
22. It’s What It Wants
23. You’ll Die If You Try
24. Return to Neibolt
25. Into The Well
26. Pennywise’s Tower
27. Deadlights
28. Searching For Stanley
29. Saving Beverly
30. Georgie Found
31. Transformation
32. Feed On Your Fear
33. Welcome To The Losers Club
34. Yellow Raincoat
35. Blood Oath
36. Kiss
37. Every 27 Years (reprise)
38. Epilogue — The Pennywise Dance

The VR-experience and a game.
The promotional department wanted to have some fun! Cool! So they set up a VR-experience to get people spooked out by Pennywise. And it works. It's creepy, in your face, and (most of all) fun!
Movie studio's do this all the time. I remember the website of Deep blue sea offering a flash-game that allowed you to survive a shark attack. The graphics are terrible by nowadays standards but the idea stays the same: use new technology to coerce people to see your movie.
In this sense it’s fun to notice that (I think it’s the studio) released an 8-bit videogame wherein you can ‘sail’ Georgie’s boat. In Deep blue sea the bad graphics occurred by time. In IT it is intentional.

The new trailer.
And then finally the new trailer. We finally heard Pennywise speak. It’s Christmas!
Alas the only words we heard from IT’s mouth were: “Take it-t.” Which could very well be from the end of a monologue. So It could still be creepy over charming or –Tim Curry’s take- interchangeably both.

There is a longer version of the Georgie/Pennywise scene released. And I certainly think Skarsgard is doing a great job with the role. But, merely based on this scene, it does feel a bit rushed. But I can’t judge on one scene.

Anyway, I heard some distinct stutter from Bill. So that’s another cross on my ‘I wonder’-list. And there is seriously something going on between Bev and Bill.
The soundtrack, if the movie is keeping this, is great. Just listening to it brings the hairs on the back of my neck on end. And then the: ‘They float’-chant. I can’t get enough of it.

It is a very well made trailer that highlights the main characteristic of Pennywise: It wishes to scare. So poor ol’ Richie in a room of clown-dolls. Beverly getting a (jump-scare) visitor. And of course Bill starting to fear the same cellar steps his younger brother used to fear.

One shot in particular showed how damaged the kids are at a certain time (when they make the pact – I presume). So, again, we get confirmation that this movie is all out R-rated. Broken bones on children and all.

And according to an interview with the director poor Georgie is going to get his arm ripped off, so there’s that.

Is this version of Pennywise too evil?
The question I’ve asked since I began this little segment on my blog. Is this incantation of Pennywise the clown going to be all out monster or is he a predator luring children with his charm, jokes and wit? And I still don’t know since I only have one scene to go with.
There is a darkness here. Of course there is. But then there’s the ‘charm’. It’s going to be very interesting. By the looks of it IT comes across as a beast stalking his pray, playing with it before he eats. Which is a good thing because that’s exactly the way he should be.

BTW I’m expecting a resurgence of horror-clowns next month.

The next article about IT is going to be the review after that it’s back to the sewers for another 27 years.

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